Take care of love

Love - the most common theme of all songs, poems and stories. Love is everywhere and takes an infinite number of forms. Affection, support, enchantment, concern, joy, care, passion, trust... Love between lovers, partners, in the family, between friends, and love for yourself.
Despite its myriad forms, it is united by one thing. In order for it to bloom, we have to take care of it. How?
Small joys
A croissant from her favourite bakery, a nice note on a piece of paper stuck on the fridge, a cake for colleagues at work, or a flower from the market for a good friend. Little things that cost nothing but can work wonders.

Time together
Like a flower, love needs space to grow. Quality time spent together, filled with sharing, listening or just being, is the essence of any relationship. And at the same time, it doesn't always have to be about hours spent in shared experiences. A trip to work together, a phone call to parents, or lunch with a friend in the middle of the weekday. Every minute that we let our loved ones know that they are important to us counts.

Big gestures
Large bouquets of red roses, a bunch of fresh tulips or delicate meadow flowers? Here at Rückl, we are convinced that there are never enough flowers. And especially those given out of love. Don't be afraid of big gestures and confessions, and put a smile on the face of those who are most important to you.

Self care
Taking care of ourselves is the basis of everything. In order to be there for others, we first need to take care of ourselves. We ourselves know best what we need and what is best for us. Reading an interesting book, regular rituals, sleep or a slow breakfast - whatever you prefer, take at least a few minutes every day just for yourself.
